Monday, February 2, 2009

01/21 - Surprised and Delighted at Faith

Matthew 8:2-17

Of course Jesus was delighted, even excited, about the Centurion’s faith. But, Matthew wrote that Jesus was “astounded” by it! How can Jesus be astounded?

The Centurion, head of Rome’s military troops in the town or region and likely a follower of Roman, polytheistic religion, was an unlikely candidate for faith in Jesus.

At first he probably thought of Jesus as leader of a grassroots, splinter movement in the Jewish religion. He likely had observed Jesus from the periphery of the crowds to decide whether Jesus should be arrested for treason and the crowds dispersed because of all the talk about a new kingdom.

The Centurion grew to respect Jesus so much that he thought himself unworthy to have Jesus come to his house. He even called Jesus “Lord,” in respect for the moral and spiritual authority Jesus displayed.

From his observations, the Centurion knew Jesus had great authority over nature to heal and over the spiritual world to cast out demons. As a man under authority who in turn exercised authority over others, he recognized Jesus was under authority of God and in turn exercised authority.

Although the Centurion probably did not understand many things about Jesus, such as him being the incarnate Son of God, Jesus was delighted at his simple, strong faith.

Even more interesting for us is that Jesus “was astonished” at the man’s faith. This may contradict our belief that Jesus had to be all-knowing (omniscient it the theological term) when he was here on earth because he was the Son of God. If he was omniscient, how could he be surprised by the Centurion’s faith?

Hebrews 12:2 called Jesus, “the author and perfecter of our faith.” Some translations say, “pioneer of faith.” Jesus, like each of us, lived by faith. Just as the Wright brothers were pioneers of flight because they expanded the boundaries of human flight, Jesus is the pioneer of faith because he expanded the boundaries of living by faith.

By faith, Jesus went through the temptation in the desert. By faith, he began his teaching ministry, believing God would bless his efforts and build a great spiritual kingdom on Earth. Later, by faith, he would face the most difficult situation of all—his crucifixion.

Jesus was surprised at the Centurion’s faith because it was so unpredictable. He appreciated the Centurion’s faith because faith was the foundation for his own life.

Today, Jesus is omniscient and not surprise when one of us shows unusual faith. However, he is still very delighted when one of us takes any little step in faith or trusts him to take care of some need or concern.

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